Komponendid ja lahendused tööstuslikuks automatiseerimiseks

Camozzi Automation

1964. aastal asutatud Camozzi Automation pakub tootevalikut, mis hõlmab komponente, süsteeme ja tehnoloogiaid tööstusautomaatika valdkonna jaoks, vedeliku juhtimiseks ning transpordi- ja loodusteaduste valdkonnale pühendatud rakenduste jaoks.

Camozzi Collaborative Parallel Gripper SERIES CSSP
NEW Collaborative Parallel Gripper SERIES CSSP

Making collaborative robotics simple

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Motion and fluid control components, systems and technologies for Industrial automation, Transportation and Life science industries.


Camozzi Automation is a global leader in the design and production of motion and fluid control components, systems and technologies for Industrial automation, Transportation and Life science industries.


The Camozzi Group’s leadership in the various market segments in which it is operative is based on the key pillars of constant research and innovation.